Hear our works during national Dying Matters Awareness Week

Posted 5 May 2017 in Afterlife Talks and Workshops
Grey Granular Fist, The Whitworth, Manchester. Photo: Jonathan Keenan

Grey Granular Fist, The Whitworth, Manchester. Photo: Jonathan Keenan

Next week, we’ve been invited to present Afterlife works at events in Manchester and Birmingham, as part of Dying Matters Awareness Week

Grey Granular Fist will feature in The Art of Dying at The Whitworth, Manchester, on Thursday 11th May, which coincides with the last day of the works current exhibition. More info here.

On Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th May, you can experience Woodland in Canon Hill Park, outside MAC, Birmingham, as part of BrumYODO’s A Matter of Life and Death. BUY tickets here.

Andrew will be hosting discussions on the works at both events.

Dying Matters Awareness Week aims to place the importance of talking about death, dying and bereavement on to the national agenda.




